pamper yourself

Vibrant Life Retreat - NYC Version

Hi All!This post is going to be short and perhaps a bit sporadic because I just returned from the most random NYC trip ever!!! I think the whole trip was healing and therefore a huge form of pampering myself. Great finale for this week's theme!My friend and I hopped in the car and traveled 5 hours to New York City this weekend even though the conference we were planning to attend no longer had tickets available. We sent a Couchsurfing request out, signed up for two random workshops in the city, threw random items in a suitcase and hopped in the car.The first thing we did when we arrived was BUY THE CAMERA I'VE WANTED FOR YEARS!!!!! Mainly because one of the workshops I signed up for the next day was a Digital Photography 101 course at a Farmer's Market in Manhattan!Earlier in the day I had received a message from Laura (an amazing woman I met in my online program) that she was going to be in NYC for a dance conference. So the second thing we did was meet her (first live meeting!) and her amazing world traveling friends for the best pizza I've ever had. They kindly offered us a place to stay for the night after the Couchsurfing request fell through. After watching a lively, heart felt African band (Sing Sing Rhythm) we went back to her friends place. He is a Photojournalist and his entire apartment is filled with inspiring, full of heart photos as well as travel books.Saturday we woke early and attended a Natural Makeup Workshop. Yay essential oils! Later in the afternoon I learned how to use my new camera and took pictures of the vibrant colors, people and patterns at the Farmer's Market!I am so refreshed and excited for life after spending the weekend talking, traveling and brainstorming with my friend Irene <3

Guest Blog: Benefits of a Daily Routine

My wonderful friend Nadya is one of the most put together women I have ever met. I admire her for always having a smile on her face and loving  herself unconditionally. Nadya graciously wrote this week's guest blog and I feel so lucky to be let in on one of her secrets of success in her every day life - Routine!<3 Mae---Hi Everyone!My name is Nadya, and I consider Mae one of the best friends I’ve ever had. I’m so proud of her for starting this blog, and it is nothing but my pleasure to be a guest writer!While looking through her topics for each week, this one really stood out to me. Self love and pampering can mean a lot of things – but I’d really like to take it down to the simplest form out there.My entire life my mother always told me to take care of myself first. No matter what- in any situation - there is no exception to this rule! Not ever. As I’ve grown to the ripe age of 20 (hey – I’m almost 21!) this philosophy has translated into the best advice that I give my peers: you cannot, and will not be able, to love and accept a companion until you can love and accept yourself. I’m sure you've heard similar outlooks on life that might sound like “you cant fix others until you can fix yourself” or “you can’t be happy with someone until you can be happy by yourself.” Any of these will do. I believe that most of the relationships in the world fail because people cannot connect with themselves on the level that they are trying to connect with others. This idea can be applied to romantic relationships, families, and sometimes even our own nation.This instilment to always put myself first, so to speak, might have come across as selfish in some instances, but I’ve never once regretted making a decision for the sake of my own happiness. Let me give you an example:I don’t like sleepovers. Sure, being girly and hanging out painting nails and watching movies is a great time, but sacrificing the wonderful feeling of waking up in my own bed in my own home and drinking my own coffee and eating my own food and using my own bathroom? Not worth it! I was that little girl who always called her mom at bedtime at a friend’s house because I changed my mind about our slumber party. Most college students would happily stay at a friend’s house if they could drink all night long, but I’d much rather be sober and drive myself home at the end of the night. This might come off as anti-social, but to me, its just part of my routine.Ah, routines. Here’s where we get to the punch line. Routines are the simplest way to pamper yourself and show yourself love every day. Sure, spontaneity is always a kick of adrenaline, but when it comes to living a functioning lifestyle, routines are where it’s at. If you watch any version of Super Nanny on television today, the first change implemented in a disruptive household is always a routine. If you feel that your life is out of control and you’re always forgetting or missing something, a routine will put you at ease. It might seem complicated at first to try and schedule certain parts of your day, but it actually is a form of simplifying your lifestyle.If you’re interested in simplifying your life, check out the Internet, your local bookstore, and keep reading Sustainable Happy Life!And watch this video about  how it’s okay to want to spend some time by yourself.

Gabrielle Bernstein - How to meditate

I stumbled upon this simple meditation technique and wanted to share it with you. It is a great way to get in touch with your body on a daily basis! I have opened up to the idea of listening to my body and asking what it needs (Am I thirsty? In pain? Are my muscles tight? Is my skin dry?) This has turned into a new way of pampering myself! So I embrace new ways of listening to my body and in this video Gabrielle instructs us to connect to our pulse.!

Ted Talk - Stefan Sagmeister: The power of time off

Stefan Sagmeister is a NYC designer who closes his design shop for an entire year every seven years. He does this to reconnect with his design passion, think about future designs and spend time enjoying life. The ideas generated during this year-long sabbatical proliferate into the next 7 years of his business. One year of reconnecting with himself and his vision creates enough energy, conceptions and spark in him to create even better design work throughout the following years.I chose this Ted Talk for my pampering week because I love to take time off to travel. I believe it opens up a new world of possibilities and thought processes that simply do not exist without meeting new people from different areas throughout the world. Currently I have only traveled within the U.S. but I hope to break that cycle this year!Taking time off to reconnect with your passions is beneficial to your every day life. A sense of satisfaction is gained from indulging in activities that bring you great joy. This connection and happiness overflows into your work and home life and can awaken others around you to the possibility of more happiness in their own life.Since I've started my 20-week Vibrant Life Cleanse I have taken time off from dating, drinking and Facebook. I have dedicated a significant amount of my time to my current passion of writing and implementing great ideas I have learned throughout my life. This has brought me great joy and I have gotten several comments from my family and co-workers about the positive change they've seen in me. I am more light-hearted, content and I complete tasks more efficiently because I have taken time off from three things that used to take a significant amount of my time.Stefan speaks of taking a whole year off but I believe if you can find your own way of taking time off it ban be just as beneficial.[ted id=649]Have you taken time off lately?

"100 Ways to Nurture Yourself" by Demanding Joy - A Long Lost Favorite

Throughout the first 5 weeks of my Vibrant Life Cleanse I have mentioned serendipitous moments - people and things presenting themselves - basically coming out of the woodwork at the exact moment I need them. Well today was another one of those moments - a bit less extravagant than other times but still a perfect manifestation.I rarely, if ever, pay attention to my Favorites- the links I marked on my browser years ago to "read later". I am typically using the internet to post blogs, connect with my b-school women and complete b-school homework. I don't have time to read any unscheduled extras, so the Favorites links are left abandoned and unread.Today my hand slipped while typing on my laptop and it literally clicked on and opened a Favorite link titled "100 Ways to Nurture Yourself". Well because it was open and it related so perfectly to this weeks theme (and lately I've just been going along with what is presented to me) - I read the list in its entirety.I decided to choose five tips to implement in my life within the month:

  • #9 - Create something (Give myself the space to be artistic)
  • #57 - Declutter (Look for future postings dedicated to decluttering in the "Letting Go" portion of the Vibrant Life Cleanse)
  • #80 - Go on a retreat
  • #98 - Intentionally enjoy your journey
  • #102 - Forget the word "should" (Ok, so her list is actually 103 items long - the more the merrier I say - especially for such a fantastic list!)

It also gave me time to reflect on things I already do for pure enjoyment:

  • #3 - Use colored pens and pencils for no particular reason
  • #5 - Take a hot bath
  • #6 - Write in a journal
  • #27 - Get out into nature
  • #55 - Add color to your surroundings

I am very happy to have stumbled upon this list - one that I had been saving to read later. It reminds me of where I was a few years ago when I originally found this list. I did a whole lot of thinking about implementing better habits but not doing anything about it. Not even reading a list about it. I am delighted to be in a new, exciting place in my life journey in which I am allowing myself to take care of me instead of focusing all of my energy on other people. I am taking action and it feels awesome!

Self Love Week 5 - Pamper Yourself

This week is going to be filled with pampering, loving actions toward myself! This will include reading a book I want to read for fun – not knowledge, buying a fairly expensive camera I've wanted for over 4 years, and scheduling artistic time a couple hours a week.I  have recently signed up for several programs, groups and organizations inside and outside of work–including, but no limited to:

  • Toastmasters - to improve my speaking and leadership skills
  • B-School - to work on a side-business idea I have
  • Natural Areas Academy - Workshops, field trips and volunteer work related to the natural world
  • United Way Co-Chair - Selected at work to co-chair the annual United Way campaign
  • Self Smarts - Coaching program at work
  • TCWN Program Committee - Women's network that brings educational programs specific to women at work

These are programs I've wanted to be a part of for awhile or recently stumbled upon and fell in love with. Each one takes a significant amount of time, energy and dedication to participate. My time is split between b-school homework, reading a book a week for this blog, writing speeches for Toastmasters, driving an hour away to complete programs for the Natural Areas Academy, and meeting virtually with amazing women from across the world to discuss our business ideas. Add writing a book and trying to still have a social life and there's not much time left to just be me and enjoy my own company.This week I will schedule time into my busy life to think of nothing but the awesome activity I choose to do - whether that be a massage, reading for  pleasure, taking a walk around my favorite waterfall or just taking time to lotion my body on a regular basis. This time is crucial for my sanity and I need to ensure it is upheld.Goals

  • Schedule a massage
  • Read a book for sheer pleasure
  • Plan and schedule 3 travel trips for this year
  • Buy the Canon Camera I've wanted for over 4 years

The following quote reminds me to be proactive with my choices.

"A life of reaction is a life of slavery, intellectually and spiritually. One must fight for a life of action, not reaction."- Rita Mae Brown

The best way for me to live a life of action instead of reaction is to ensure I am not neglecting to have fun and take time to relax and recharge. Achieving my goals this week will help me to live fully in the moment of action I've chosen.