Ted Talk - Stefan Sagmeister: The power of time off

Stefan Sagmeister is a NYC designer who closes his design shop for an entire year every seven years. He does this to reconnect with his design passion, think about future designs and spend time enjoying life. The ideas generated during this year-long sabbatical proliferate into the next 7 years of his business. One year of reconnecting with himself and his vision creates enough energy, conceptions and spark in him to create even better design work throughout the following years.I chose this Ted Talk for my pampering week because I love to take time off to travel. I believe it opens up a new world of possibilities and thought processes that simply do not exist without meeting new people from different areas throughout the world. Currently I have only traveled within the U.S. but I hope to break that cycle this year!Taking time off to reconnect with your passions is beneficial to your every day life. A sense of satisfaction is gained from indulging in activities that bring you great joy. This connection and happiness overflows into your work and home life and can awaken others around you to the possibility of more happiness in their own life.Since I've started my 20-week Vibrant Life Cleanse I have taken time off from dating, drinking and Facebook. I have dedicated a significant amount of my time to my current passion of writing and implementing great ideas I have learned throughout my life. This has brought me great joy and I have gotten several comments from my family and co-workers about the positive change they've seen in me. I am more light-hearted, content and I complete tasks more efficiently because I have taken time off from three things that used to take a significant amount of my time.Stefan speaks of taking a whole year off but I believe if you can find your own way of taking time off it ban be just as beneficial.[ted id=649]Have you taken time off lately?