This week's focus is going to be a fun one. Learning financial basics in your 20's and 30's! I will be interviewing a financial adviser, scouring online financial articles and reading this week's book "Get a Financial Life - Personal Finance in your Twenties and Thirties by Beth Kobliner.Building a solid financial foundation, goals and plan is essential to self love for two reasons:
- Alleviate money worries - freeing up mental space for enjoying life
- Free up money for your really important financial and life goals (i.e. Travel, Buying a Home, Freeing yourself from debt)
I will delve into building a budget, debt reduction plan, emergency savings and savings for life goals.For now I want you to pick up a small notebook (pick one that inspires you with your favorite colors/designs) and carry it with you at all times. This is where you will keep your financial journal for a minimum of 1 month. This will show you where you are spending your money and maybe encourage you to think twice before you drop 5 more dollars on your daily latte.<3Mae