Support for New Moms

Becoming a mother for the first, second, or eighth time is an initiation. It's an invitation into a new phase of life, an invitation to grow in ways you may not have thought capable. It asks so much of you and requires an inner grounding, capable of supporting new life while simultaneously keeping a pulse on your own energy, intuition, and inner knowing. 

This transition time can be honored and held in sacred space, to assist with your inner soul journey. It is a time to invite your soul sisters, soul family, and support team close to you. Imagine new motherhood in a new way, outside of today's societies norm. Give yourself space to feel all of your feelings and embrace your motherhood with the knowledge that you are sacred.

The birth process may have went the way you imagined, or it may have thrown you challenges you weren't expecting. Remember that no matter how it unfolded, you are a strong warrior women. Your soul, your body, your path hold so much wisdom.

Sending you love and deep reverence on your journey.